I probably won't ever build anything else (just try and break what someone else made 😉)
I really enjoyed the basics of coding course I took through Devmountain. I found the HTML to be intuitive, the CSS to be loads of fun, and the JavaScript to be mind-bending.
My Silly Little Webpage 👈 Link to see what I made
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<h2 class="different">And Now For Something
<br />Completely Different
<img class="logo" src="https://i0.wp.com/www.adtothebone.com/blogpix/obliteratingfoot62470.jpg?w=625" alt="Monty Python Foot" width=325px />
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<a class="navi">SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM</a>
<a class="navi">The Spanish Inquisition</a>
<a class="navi">The Holey Grail</a>
<a class="navi">Lumberjack
<br />(Not a barber)</a>
<a class="navi">Bwian
<br /> (Not the messiah)</a>
<a class="navi">Crunchy Frog</a>
<a class="navi">Dead Parrot</a>
<a class="navi">Biggles</a>
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<img src="https://preview.redd.it/the-spanish-inquisition-wins-the-monty-pythons-flying-v0-g7uiofc376ba1.png?width=854&format=png&auto=webp&s=69998e6046e2af52da55fd4aec957d8b59a88496" alt="Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!" class="item-pic" />
<h3>The Spanish Inquisition</h3>
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<h3>Dead Parrot</h3>
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<h3>Spamity Spam!</h3>
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<h3>The Holy Grail</h3>
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<img src="https://www.theolivepress.es/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/belinda-monty-python.jpg" alt="He's a lumberjack and he's OK!" class="item-pic" />
<h3>Barber, err, Lumberjack</h3>
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<h3>And Now For Something Completely Different</h3>
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<img src="https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSXVfo2GYvAhOV_KNQ_Brx3X3gcxDYDuR8Dug&s" alt="He's not the messiah, he's just a very naughty boy!" class="item-pic" />
<h3>A Very Naughty Boy</h3>
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<img src="https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTU29RYvnQthFHbm2xkjbV0QCYkYGaWws7Ppw&s" alt="Dew picked and lightly killed chocolate covered crunchy frog" class="item-pic" />
<h3>Crunchy Frog</h3>
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<p>™ There are some who call me...Tim?</p>
<img class="tim" alt="Pic of...Tim?" src="https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRw2_aCMvpCbGewmXRu1vvKvqTDtq3XpDAhog&s" </footer>
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